Our patents are a tribute to our
Research & development
Research & Development
Research on botanical extracts has been the core competence of Phytotech. Development of specialty extracts and standardizing these extracts for the clinically active ingredients have been given great thrust by the management. Phytotech has invested in a sophisticated R&D laboratory that is equipped with various instruments that are required to identify plant ingredients, its purity and standardization. The research department has developed novel ingredients such as 1 DNJ from Mulberry leaves, Guaijaverin from Guava leaves, Moringin from Moringa leaves, Mahanimbine and Koenimbine From Murraya leaves and so on.
Quite recently since the company has expanded into novel wellness products, the laboratory has been upgraded to develop Nutraceutical formulations. The laboratory has developed “make a difference” modern formulations such as herbal chocolates, gummys, shot drinks, discuits, oral films and so on. A team of well qualified scientists with their expertise in developing new substances and formulations are always on the job. The endeavor continues…
Quite recently since the company has expanded into novel wellness products, the laboratory has been upgraded to develop Nutraceutical formulations. The laboratory has developed “make a difference” modern formulations such as herbal chocolates, gummys, shot drinks, discuits, oral films and so on. A team of well qualified scientists with their expertise in developing new substances and formulations are always on the job. The endeavor continues…
Our International Patents
Psidium guajava extract

U.S. Patent
No. 10,179,157 B2
For the process of extraction of Phytochemicals Guijavarin along with saponins & Polyphenols from Guava leaf extract . The phytochemical is identified as Guijaverin, which also exhibits anti-diabetic activity. The Psidium guajava leaf extract is useful in food and beverage industries and is used in different formulations such as chocolates, capsules, and aqua based supplement drinks.
Aqua Concentrate

U.S. Patent
No. 10,293,013 B2
Having Standardized and Triple Salt Stabilized (-)Hydroxycitric Acid from Garcinia cambogia Extract for Making Concentrate and Slimming Water and their Derived Product for Weight Management. Garcinia cambogia extract helps in suppressing appetite, and by inhibiting the blood lipid and blood cholesterol levels.